


6 Lessons

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Auto-Suggestion Audio + Training

Your actions flow effortlessly from your belief system, so the best way to change your behavior is to first adopt new beliefs that will support your new actions (like going vegitarian, or eating vegetables with hummus instead of cookies or chips). 

On the other hand, if you try to do new things without changing your beliefs, you'll struggle, and probably give up.

This course teaches you how to use auto-suggestion to program new beliefs into your subconscious mind.  You just have to listen to the MP3 recording I made once a day for 30 days or longer.  Listen and fill your mind with supportive beliefs about health and nutrition.

I priced it so anyone can afford it at $9.

The auto-suggestion MP3 comes with a transcript of the "suggestions" (the positive statements on the recording).  As well as an MP3 I created many years ago and used to effortlessly quit smoking.  And there are 4 bonus videos with instructions and encouragement to make the short-term "effort" of listening daily for a while, to get the long-term benefit of thinking and acting in a whole new way regaring food.

Click the "Start Course" button below to begin and/or to purchase.

Ready to learn?

Michael Griesmer

I'm Michael Griesmer (and the cat is Jake). I've been studying nutrition, as a passionate personal interest, for years. And I have eaten according to the Zone Diet, Paleo and Keto, among others. But the only one that I recommend, is Dr. Joel Fuhrman's (plant-based) Nutritarian diet.

"I'm going to eat this way for the rest of my life. Because it's based on the nutrition science literature. And it's delicious."

I am a certified Nutritarian lifestyle coach, through the Nutritarian Education Institute. I enjoy empowering people to change their way of eating, to improve their health.
