It’s not McDonalds vs. crock pot.  It’s how quickly your body digests the food… and how quickly those calories enter your bloodstream.

In the video, I tell the story of what happens when you eat a high carbohydrate meal. Many commonly eaten foods break down pretty quickly into glucose. And this glucose enters the bloodstream all at once. The body reacts by releasing insulin to get the excess glucose out of the bloodstream. Do you know where it stores it… in fat cells.

In the Nutritarian diet you mostly avoid high carb foods and instead eat: beans, greens, nuts & seeds, and vegetables. These digest slower and have less glucose in them to begin with. So, what happens in your bloodstream when you don’t have a huge sugar dump all at once? Nothing. The moderate amount of glucose floats around until you burn it. And you don’t feel hungry, either.

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