Going Plant-Based?
Learn how to Motivate Yourself to Stick to It

Free online course

  • Considering going plant-based, for your health... but WORRIED that you'll FAIL and go back to eating meat (and junk food)?

  • Transition to plant-based eating (and feeling great), without much struggle and TEMPTATION around the foods you're giving up.

  • Five-video training on, "How to motivate yourself to stick to a plant-based diet." Learn to LOVE plant-based eating and get HEALTHY.

start now, here:

Your Coach

I'm Michael Griesmer (and the cat is Jake).  I've been studying nutrition, as a passionate personal interest, for years.  And I have eaten according to the Zone Diet, Paleo and Keto, among others.  But the only one that I recommend, is Dr. Joel Fuhrman's (plant-based) Nutritarian diet.  

"I'm going to eat this way for the rest of my life.  Because it's based on the nutrition science literature.  And it's delicious."  

I am a certified Nutritarian lifestyle coach, through the Nutritarian Education Institute.  I enjoy empowering people to change their way of eating, to improve their health.


Learn to LOVE plant-based eating and get HEALTHY

5 video eCourse on the psychology of transitioning to plant-based.  Then, much more training, over time, about nutrition & health!
Register below.
